The initial Creative Dharma readers’ meeting felt, to us, like the coming together of a very real community of people with an interest in creativity and a secular approach to the dharma.
We’re now looking more closely at ways we can help this community develop.
Around the world, people are starting to take notice; more than 400 now get this newsletter. They have been telling us about their meditation practice, and how they bring creativity into that practice. We speak also with artists of all kinds to find out about their practice of art, and how they introduce a meditative sensibility into what they do.
We now seek your support for this work with a paid subscription.
Monthly, or annually, you can choose how much you donate. As it’s a dharma newsletter, though, everyone will continue to receive it, including those who choose not to support this work with a financial subscription.
As well as producing this newsletter, we will be running special online events and offering newly published Tuwhiri books at a discount, as well as producing PDFs and/or ePubs to share with subscribers.
But it’s going to take more than simply publishing a newsletter to develop a community.
We’re going to give away every $ we receive from subscriptionsto those who bring together a creative approach to the dharma with a meditative approach to art.
Artists, writers, film makers, poets, musicians, and more. We also intend to support events, communities, and individuals that have an approach which fits broadly within the arc of a secular dharma.
Often described as ‘paying forward’, this is an invitation to participate in the ancient and rich tradition of dana.
Giving dana, we’re reminded that it is the generosity of others that allows our communities to provide us with the resources and teachings that enable our practice to thrive.
As editors of Creative Dharma, a newsletter, we humbly hold out our bowl, asking that you offer what is in your hearts to give. We’re offering three paid subscription plans (amounts are in US $):
MONTHLY $5 per month ANNUAL $50 per year SUPPORTER $120 or more per year
To subscribe, click on the V to the right of the Subscribe button, and then choose My Account. You’ll then be able to pick a subscription plan.
Finally, if you really do like what you read in the newsletter, we encourage you to share it with friends.
Ramsey Margolis and Brad Parks for Creative Dharma, a newsletter
Dear Ramsey, Brad, and Ronn: Like most of us winging it out here, I have limited funds for dana: But I give to Creative Dharma with my whole heart! How wonderful that you are making this possible! Many thanks
Dear Ramsey, Brad, and Ronn: Like most of us winging it out here, I have limited funds for dana: But I give to Creative Dharma with my whole heart! How wonderful that you are making this possible! Many thanks